Lynx Baseview is a free viewer for seismic location data (seismic basemaps) in Lynx LOC and ESRI shapefile formats.
Baseview runs on Microsoft Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP - download it here
![Baseview screenshot](images/software-baseview/baseview.png)
Baseview gives you control over shotpoint annotation and initial scale, and allows you to quickly zoom and pan your basemap. Baseview also provides QC plotting to Windows printers.
Baseview is designed primarily to display seismic location data in Lynx LOC format, but will also display data in ESRI shapefiles (polyline-M features) or strictly defined UKOOA/SEG-P1 file. If you require more flexibility with your input formats, then you will require the conversion utilities available in LEAMAP or Lynx Seismap.
Lynx LOC files can store shotpoint coordinates in two parallel coordinate systems - both unprojected Latitude/Longitude and projected XY coordinates - similar to UKOOA and SEG-P1 formats. In Baseview you can switch between these two coordinate systems to check that both sets of coordinates are consistent. ESRI shapefiles do not support multiple coordinate systems - shotpoints will either be stored as projected XY or unprojected Lat/Lon.
Download Baseview here.
Please note that Baseview is provided by Lynx as a free download for the convenience of our clients - we cannot provide support for this product.